Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010

Happy Halloween 2010
The kids on Halloween. We had three days to celebrate. Too bad I only got one picture. Tyler dind't know what he wanted to be until my mom sent a package with the Hershey's bar costume in it. We were so glad we could end our search for his costume. Jenna's costume continued to evolve. First it was just a Vampire, then it became a Princess Vampire (with teeth), but in the end she decided on Princess Vampire (without teeth). Megan's costume was the easiest... Jenna had been a cat a few years earlier and we had it all!!

Jenna and Tyler posing with their pumpkins.
Not sure why Tyler's face is so contorted (silly boy!).
They had a lot of fun carving, but not so much fun cleaning out the seeds.
Megan did not want to carve her little pumpkin.
Tyler's pumpkin. Not sure what it has written on it.

Jenna's pumpkin. I love her pumpkin's eyelashes. Such a lady!